Sunday, March 27, 2005

Spending Time With My FriendsSs...

Hey guys..I had a maths test yesterday morning..gosh..I know i'm gonna fail...*shame* ='( Alright...forget about those sadness...ok..I've spent the whole afternoon at home..playing SKYPE with my bf..something funny bf trying to be "manja"..haha..just because I said he has a ******** *** face...(Am I over?) haha..try to guess the sensored words yaself.. =P

I had a date with my classmatezz at the night..have a great dinner and movie..Ah Pang ,Benny and ME were having dinner at Little Italy..I try to choose a less calories dish..but it ends up a Salad with potato + tuna's fattening huh...but it's delicious..*yum yum* oh yeah...We meet Jovy @ Sin at the cinema..We watched Miss Congeniality 2 just now...It's quite funny...but I still prefer HITCH.. coz that movie make me laugh from the beginning to the end..I love it..maybe it is because Will Smith plays the main character in the movie...he is a good actor huh...^_^

ok...after dinner and movie...I went to Lintas to meet my friends at Sempelang.. hmm.. in that group of people...I'm the youngest one..haha..they all are 25 years old..LOL *happy* alright...when I reached there...they were having a conversation about tourism...the guy named Hasanal(after corrected by UNCLE ASH) work as a tour-guide..but he don't seems like really enjoy his job...Ashley, Arthur and Hasanal..(yeah..corrected) Alright...three of them keep arguing their own point of view and opinion...from tourism to property and insurans...I'm not interested on the 1st 2 it make me feel bored....but when they were talking about the insurans...I'm really paying attention to listen their conversation...such a interested topic..three of them like debating their own point of views for more or less 30 minutes...Ash and Art have the same opinion..only the guy keep argue for himself...hmm...2 people "sut" 1 people...Actually I'm at their side too..hehe..coz I know be a Salesman of an insuran it's just depends on your communication skill to persuade people to buy it..then you'll get ya commission depends on ya sales...As Ash said..."be cook or hook"(same pronous but don't know it's correct or not..) They speak fluent english..make me feel nervous to speak out my I just listen to them..I'm such a good listener huh.. usual..we went cruising around kk....then I started to talk about blood donation ar.."bondan" ar...ask this and that ar...why like this ar..why like that ar...suddenly a lot of questions came out from my mind..@_@?? hehehe..then I get my answer at last before I reach home...hehehe...^0^" Alright..Tonight I've learned a lot of things from those UNCLEsSs .. hehehe...
Ok...It's time for me to sleep now...nitez!!
p/s: My BrotHEr wAs DeAd DruNk Last NighT!!! hahaha..LosEr~~
--------MisS YoU sOoOo MuCh hErE--------

Saturday, March 26, 2005

...HoW BeaUtiFuL lOve iS...

I found this somewhere...It's very it then you will know..

"True Love"

Maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people b4 meeting the right one
So that when we finally meet the right person,
We will know how to be grateful for that gift
When the door of happiness closes, another opens,
But often time we look so long at the closed door
That we don't see the one, which has been opened for us
The best kind of friend is the kind than you can sit on a porch and swing with,
Never say a word,
And then walk away feeling like it was the best conversation you've ever had
It's true that we don't know what we've been missing until we lose it,
But it's also true that we don't know what we've been missing until it arrives
Giving someone all ur love is never an assurance that they'll love you back!

Don't expect love in return; just wait it to grow in their heart
But if it doesn't be content it grew in yoursIt takes only a minute to get crush on someone,
An hour to like someone, and a day to love someone,
But it takes a LIFETIME to forget someone
Don't go for looks; they can deceive
Don't go for wealth, even that fades away
Go for someone who makes you smileB'coz it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright
There are moments in life when you miss someone so much
That you just want to pick them from ur dreams and hug them for real!

Dream what u want to dream, go where u want to go, be what u want to be,
Bcoz u have only one life and one chance to do all the things u want to do
May u have enough happiness to make u sweet, enough trials to make u strong,
Enough sorrow to keep u human, enough hope to make u happy
Always put urself in other's shoes,
If u feel that it hurts u, it probably hurts the other person too.....

True love burns the brightest
But the brightest flames leave the deepest scars

Love isn't about finding the perfect person,
It’s about seeing an imperfect person perfectly
Loving someone is giving that someone the power to hurt you
You don’t love a woman because she's beautiful,
She's beautiful because you love her
The day u stop loving someone is the day u drop a tear into the sea and find it.....

Just came back from Spotpub...@_@"

Oh my god...can't believe that I went to Clubbing just now...shiatez...bad girl!! bad girl!!... I should stay at home and study one...GoSh!! Tomorrow have a practice test on MATHS again... ='( feel so guilty now...ArGhhh...shouldn't went to watch movie just now...but ROBOTS is quite nice for KIDsSs... hahah..that's me...i'm still very kiddy thou...*wink* I'm still 18 years old what..hahaha...(I know who knows me will keep laughing me right now) but I don't heart is still 18 !! hahahah...

Alright...just now when i was in Spotpub... I met a lot of friends there... Kelvin ar...Seng Seng ar..Lyn ar...Jorl ar...Wu Lun ar...Jing Yen ar(of coz..he is the owner of the shop what..) haha...hmm...and some people who I met many times but never introduce to each other...all clubbingz kaki huh...yeah...All came out have some fun on GOOD FRIDAY... It's a public holiday man... Alright..back to what I said just now...yeah...someone I know her long time ago...but didn't actually talk face to face with her...but TONIGHT..something had happened...she approached me and talk to me about another person..what a surprise huh...hmm..feeling good when I talk to her...but she seems like a bit nervous huh...^_^ It's ok...I'm not that scary...Anyway...nice to meet her..haha..

Ok...Another incident happening to me now!! someone is in front of my house now...gOsH!!! He is drunk man...really drunk...untill keep messaging me ... I just ask him to go home and sleep early...he tried to called me...but I've rejected his call and switch off my mobile phone...I know I did this will hurt him very much...but you know what...I've BOYFRIEND already... This guy would not be an effection between me and my BF...hmm...I'm a LOYALTY girlfriend should trust me and love me ya... ~_^ coz I won't betray you...*smuaksSs* hmm... I think the guy is still outside...poor little guy...I only can say SORRY to him...Although I know...<cluelty to someone is UNFORGIVABLE > Just hope you will understand...

What a _____ night...(can't find a word to describe) alright...time to sleep now...It's 3 something in the morning now... Nitez everyone...

********SoMeOne HaS TaKen My HeaRt AwAy NoW********

^_^ Just came back from Spotpub ^_^

Friday, March 25, 2005

Focus On Me!!

Love Is In The Air~~

Do you feel the Love now?! I bet you do...*wink*

""" YvOnNe AnD ChErRie"""

ChUbBy FaCe HuH!!

o0o0o Cherrie o0o0o Posted by Hello

Thursday, March 24, 2005


***It's raining outside...feel very sleepy right now... -_-zZ *yawn* gosh..i'm trying to upload my picture to this thingy 2 hours before...shiatz..I really have no idea man...i really don't know how to find the URL for my pictures... what to do with the stupid PICASA?? Anyone there can help me?? *@.@*
***Oh yeah...I'm so happy today...not because of my bf call me.. =P That's because i found my future partners to open my dream shop-- ...^^ guess what... three of them are very interested on DESSERTsSs let me introduce them now...*DenG dEng DeNg deNg* They are Jovy Sin, Stephanie Pang, Rosalind Fung & ME.... we have used the whole maths class to discuss our business plan...hehe..we are serious about it huh...yeah...but this dream will only comes true after 3 years (2008) ...This is because we have to wait each other to complete their degree 1st...quite a long time huh...but it's ok...Our expectation on year 2008...KK will become a small KL...hahaha...soo0o..have to start to save my capital $$$$ now...hehe...*_*"'
***Hmm...I've met someone's mum and the Starlet i used to ride before when i'm going to pick up my sister at her school this afternoon...gOsh..i can't believe that the starlet become a melay's used to be a fast car...just only few years ago...*o*!! The ex-owner of the car still doing his degree at UK huh... hmm..seems like he didn't take good care of the little starlet here..=P
***Oh yeah...thanks for my best friend -YVONNE- who bought egg tarts for my family yesterday...this girl ar....knew my family got 5 members...still buy 4 tarts only...where enough o0o?! hehe...i know you want me to lose some weight since i'm so fat already..hahaha...but I still ate one....*kekeke* me MANGO CHEESE CAKE next time ya... I will be very appreacited for that!!! more clubbingz now...can't accompany you loh..wait until my exam has past then...wakakkakakaka....I'm gonna rock the world!!!!...hahaha...
***ArRrr...still raining now...better go and take a nap after bath...**YaWn** nitez everyone...have a nice day...
======sorry baby..didn't notice ya sms just now...miss you heaps here!!**muackss**======

Wednesday, March 23, 2005

My FirSt PoSt ^_^

Hi friends..It's me Cherrie A.K.A Rabbit...~_^ I'm just curious about the uses of this blogspot ... so I've decided to make my own account..>.<" My friends around me started this thingy have quite sometime already...So0o0o...I need to catch up too..heheheh...hmm..By the way...this thingy can improve my EnGgGgLisshHh also...not bad huh...

I know I shouldn't sign up this thingy right my Trial Exam and A Level Exam is coming very very soon... **HEADACHE + STRESS** arghh..straight away feel stress now...hmm...alright alright...I know it's time for me to study now... ='( what to do...this is life huh...

Alright guys...just want to say thank you to who've visited my FIRST post huh...Just a short post to be my starting point...=P Have a NICE day....

** I miss my baby so much...muacks muacks >.< **