Thursday, December 07, 2006

what a night..haha

Hey guys..Last night was a great night..having fun with my frens..we went to 50 bar 1st only 3 of us..Baby, Keith and me...then Ah Mok and Quan Ke joined us ...playing games and drink drink there...relax and fun...=)

short n simple...=P

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Finally got my new mobile phone

Yay .!! Very excited and happy :*

Friday, December 01, 2006


Finally got my cd back..uploaded those pictures just now...Alright...enjoy the newest pictures that I took while partying with my wild party them so muchy!!

I'm sick now...due to..hmm...didn't drink much of wateR? haha..should be...having flu and girl problem at the same time..damn...what a bad timing..wasted one weekend..planning to go K Box tomorrow night with some UnclesSs..hahha..(p/s: actually I call ppl [who is above 25 yrs old] UNCLE) So, have to cancel it lo...anyway..I still have a lot of time for party...don't worries..=P

Guys you know what?! I've missed a good shopping time today...PARKSON was having up to 70% off today...(30th Nov) and can't believe that when I saw that in the newspaper already 10 o'clock at night..was thinking to rush to there but I don't have a BONUSLINK ...d'em..hahha..'s 3 a.m already..gonna sleep now..take care guys...*chu* >.<

Michael's b'day @ Thai Club 06' Crazziieess night with all the party animal..haha..=P

Charlie's B'day @ BED 06' Hunkies Kelvin,Desmond,Harrod,Az,Charlie,Adrian,Nanami and Ben...

Babes Cherrie,Baby,Melody,Yii�..@ Charlie's b'day @ BED 06'