Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Bed night!! 16th March 07'

hahaha..didn't manage to take more pic...was HIGHHHHH!!!!!!!!! hahahahah....

This is How Zai & Cherrie!!!!

my lil nephew..hahaha..

silly Brendon was lying on the floor...hahaha...posing somemore...funny !!!!!!! Miss you heaps here!!!


Biang, Cherrie & Yennie...

weird partner..hahaha

Friday, March 02, 2007

CNY pics with friends =)

Yvonne & Chelsea & Cherrie...=)

Cherrie & Paul

Robin & Cherrie
Chelsea & Cherrie & Robin
Chelsea & Cherrie

Paul & Cherrie & Ian

Cherrie & TWU's frens

Michael & Cherrie

Cherrie & Azlin
hmm...was having lotsa fun in Tawau during CNY...Thanks Baby for everything..love you..*chu* gamblingssss....clubbinggssss...drinkinggsss...was exhausted after that..hahah..sick & tired..I guess most of my frens also like that huh...hahah...crazy CNY holidays..but I wants MORE!!! hahaha...miss you guys a lot...and of coz met few new frens...glad to meet you guys...hope to see you all soon..take care..