Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Monday night..xP

Azlin & Cherrie

Jessica & Cherrie

D Junction with Wen & Tina ..

Razz with Jess , Elly,Adrian & Az..

Cherrie & Adrian

Monday, May 28, 2007

Last Weekend..26th May 2007

Gals and Alan

Unclesss from Twu & me..lolz

Cherrie & Ronald

Mich & Alan & June


Michael & Cherrie

Sean & Cherrie

Cherrie & Nicholas

Jessica & Cherrie & Michelle
This is the last weekend I spent in KK for 2007...haha..leaving on Friday dude...xP complicated feeling I felt..worry..excited..home sick..happy..sad...hmm...I will miss you guys...=)

Saturday, May 26, 2007


Bought it last week..lolz...

We have the same mobile phone & same phone strap...=D

Mamutik Island ...

We were sleeping at the Jetty..coz its hot man...=S
Beautiful Sunrise...

Beach Hotel Jetty..where we going off to Pulau Mamutik...

Beautiful Sunset...

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Kelvin's Bachelor night at 50 Bar & R&B lolz..

Kelvin's Bachelor night ......Jovy , Mike & Yii² are back from KL...welcome home..hahha..
Congratulation to KELVIN CHAI & MELODY !! wishing you have a blissful married life and happy ever after...

Thanks darling for ya gift...I love it very much...=* You're so sweet!!!!! muackss

Finally get my air ticket today...hehe....I'm leaving on the jetplane....hahahha...looking forward for the new environment...and of guys will always in my heart!!!! when I've settled down guys gonna pay me a visit!!!! and..feel bad that can't join u guys for the trip on July......who wants a ticket to KL on July.....please let me know...hahha...Mr.JJ ...will see u there soon!!!!!!! hahaha...please reserve a table for!! yiiii haaaaa~