Sunday, July 17, 2005

2nd weekend at Perth far life in Perth still ok lar..hehe...went for shopping few days...didn't buy much thing...coz it's so damn expensive IF converted back to RM..@_@" come the currency rate of RM so damn low...*sob* anyway....didn't expect to buy many things back also...hehehe...

Last night went to Metros with bf and some kk frens...i'm so damn cold when walking in to Metro...coz Nic asked me not to wear the jacket.....he said it's warm inside...goshh...i'm freezing at the outside man...lolz...but it gets better after we went inside lar...erm...a lot of "ah Mor" there...then we saw Joselyn and JOe they all there....Michelle and Shane followed Nic's car also...then Michelle treat us a shot of Bagaldi taste like petrol "spicy"..after the drink i'm getting warmer...the songs are all R& trance at all man...too bad...anyway...we didn't stay long coz Michael was drunk so Nic have to send him home...

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