Sunday, July 22, 2007

Chi ( The lodge) club & The one & only Hotel(Beach) on 20th July 07'

The One & Only Hotel..
Wendy & Cherrie

Cherrie & Hiro & Jason

Green Green Grass with 2 hot chicks huh..muahhahaha xP

At Kuromi's flat..hehe..
Chi (The Lodge) Clubs

Weekend again...haha..went to Chi ( The Lodge) nearby Lamcy Plaza..Spring bamboo there..with Hiro, Wendy, Jeff and others..Singaporian, Hongky and China....hmm..I don't really like that place...coz it's so damn PACK and HOT!! but I had fun with my frens althougt I dind't drink much..hehe...enjoying dancing there...
The next day...we went to The One & Only Hotel at Jumeirah...It's a nice place to hang out with ya bikini and thang...hahaha...relaxing but yet is still very HOT!! hahaha...took few pictures with Wendy (a.k.a Kuromi!!) I like her...haha..very entertaining lady...*hugs*
Feel lazy and sleepy the whole day...having gals problem...2nd day somemore...aisk...alright..gonna take a rest now...

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