Thursday, April 07, 2005


yeah..last night I went to watch movie with Yvonne, Jovy,Adrian and his gf Velarie..We watched -WHITE NOISE- It's quite nice...but scary..=P DO you want to know the story...just pay RM8 and watch it in GSC cinema..hahahaha...~_^ or visit ..

We finished movie at 11:30pm..then we went to "long kai" since Yvonne don't feel like going home...I saw my brother at lintas..I think he is having meeting there..erm...nothing much..didn't go clubbingz for few weeks already...>.<" hmm...No exam untill MONDAY...gosh...trying my best to get a good result...-_-" *stress*

hmm..ok then...have to take my breakfast and study now...all the best to who that taking A Level out there...ciaoz..

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