Tuesday, April 26, 2005

when out with Alan and Kim them...

Finally reach study week..still left 2 more week for my A Level Exam...wanna release my stress then went shopping with Jovy and Stephanie this afternoon...bought something for my beloved... =) hope i can finish it before i go to PERTH.. *wink* feel excited to meet him at the AIRPORT...

At night.. i went out with Alan and Kim they all..thought will go yam cha somewhere else...manatahu...we go to KK's to meet Arnold them...hmm...long time didn't drink...few glass of beer make me feel tipsy man...can't believe that i'm so easy to get tipsy... (that's mean i'm so good girl for few months huh..) =P met my dad's friends at there...hehe...hope they won't talk much in front of my dad..hahaha...hmm...Baby went to hitz box tonight...so enjoy ar...i wish i'm there with him...^_^ sharing the happiness together...you know...long distance relationship really sux man...anyway..i'm going to Perth soon...so dun worry.. i still can tahan...~_^ love you so much man..

Alright...exam is coming soon...really have to STUDY HARD o0o..get a good result..i'm thinking to study in KL..i know my dad won't support me to study at there..trying to negotiate with him...coz i really wanna get a degree in Hotel Management... actually i don't really like to study..but i need the degree cert. so that more easier for me to get a good job after my study...i'm just trying my best to let my life easier...*wink*

So...please pray for me..so that i can get a good result for my A Level exam..^_^ alright..it's bed time..good nitez and have a sweet dreams...

----I miss you so much----

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